Quality & Sustainabilty Feed

Targets exceeded: Energy efficiency and climate protection network

After a term of three years, the energy efficiency network “Franken vernetzt sich II”, in which IREKS was actively involved, was successfully completed. IREKS would like to keep engaging in dialogue with companies from northern Bavaria in future, which is why we decided to participate in the follow-up network “Energieeffizienz- und Klimaschutz-Netzwerk – Nordbayern vernetzt sich III”.

The energy efficiency network “Franken vernetzt sich II” was made up of 20 companies from northern Bavaria from different sectors, who met regularly to discuss current energy management issues and technical options for saving energy. An important part of the project was the joint target agreement between the participating companies.


At the end of the term, the individual savings measures of all network participants were analysed and compared with the joint objective. This showed that the targets set at the beginning of the network were even exceeded by the participating companies: Within three years, more than 11,200 MWh have been saved and over 4,100 tonnes of COemissions have been avoided. In relation to the 2019 baseline, this means an increase in energy efficiency of 2.6 % and a reduction in COemissions of 3.4 % between 2020 and 2022. The network savings therefore correspond to an average annual efficiency improvement rate of 0.9%. The long-term average for German industry is 0.8 % p. a.

At IREKS, the definition of savings targets and the planning and evaluation of efficiency measures have been practised since 2010. Since then, there have been many suggestions from management and staff as well as investments by the company. This commitment is the reason why we can now look back on an above-average efficiency increase rate of 1.3 % p.a.!

As the saving and efficient consumption of energy are important components of our energy and sustainability policy and we want to continuously work on ourselves, IREKS will also participate in the follow-up network “Energieeffizienz- und Klimaschutz-Netzwerk – Nordbayern vernetzt sich III”. The main topics this time are climate protection, carbon footprint and the use of low-carbon technologies in companies.