Waterford Blaa

A GRAND TOUR OF THE UK & IRELAND – baked goods from region to region

This month we’re crossing the sea and go to Waterford. The Waterford Blaa is a much loved bread throughout Ireland but due to its protected geographical indication status, it can only be called a Blaa if it is produced in the Waterford area. Similar to what’s commonly known as the Bap, it can be enjoyed with every meal but is especially great with real Irish butter, vintage cheddar cheese, tomato relish and grilled bacon. For our recipe, we use IREKS VEGAN SOFT ROLL CONC.

Recipe: Waterford Blaa (PDF, 2,4 MB)

Do you have any questions about the products used or about the processing?

Contact us, we will be glad to help!


Waterford, also known as “Cuan na Grai” or “Harbour of the Sun”, is the oldest city in Ireland. Founded by the Vikings in 914 AD, it is where Thomas Francis Meagher created the Tricolour and displayed it for the first time in 1848. In more recent years, it has become better known for its glass blowing with one of the world’s most famous manufacturers of lead glass, Waterford Crystal, founded here.